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The Use of Dreams in Homeopathic Practice with Jane Tara Cicchetti

  • Prometheus Homeopathic Institute (map)

This course is an in depth guide to the world of dreams and the symbolic realm of

the psyche in homeopathic practice. Because dreams are an attempt on the part of

the organism to heal itself, they can reveal some of the most reliable symptoms

when properly interpreted. You will learn methods of dream analysis to

confidently and effectively use dreams to uncover the central disturbance of a

case, help find the indicated remedy, and follow the healing process.

The instructor is Jane Tara Cicchetti, an internationally known teacher and writer

on the integration of Jungian psychology and homeopathy. Jane is the author of

Dreams, Symbols and Homeopathy, Archetypal Dimensions of Healing, which is

one of the first books to bring homeopathy in line with modern psychology. She

has been practicing homeopathy for over 35 years.

For more information about Jane and her work see

Outline of course

1. The Archetypal Structure of the Psyche

a. The individual and collective unconscious

b. Archetypes- the content of the collective unconscious

c. Archetypes in homeopathic practice – recognizing the shadow

2. Connecting the homeopath to the world of dreams.

a. Keeping a Dream Journal

b. Dream Partnering

c. Personal Dream Provings

3. Dream Analysis

a. The symbolic world of the psyche

b. Steps of dream analysis

c. Archetypes in dreams

4. Case Taking with Dreams

a. The initial dream

b. Childhood dreams

c. Repetitive dreams

d. The big dream.

5. Following up the Healing Process Using Dreams.

a. Changes in repetitive dreams.

b. Alchemical symbolism indicating stages of healing.

c. Prognosis through dreams.

6. Symbolic materia medica

a. Deepening our understanding of remedies

b. A multifaceted approach to materia medica

c. Introduction to dream analysis for provings.

January 23

Why PHI?

February 27

Why PHI? Prospective Student Night